wxDev-C++ versions

wxDEV-C++ is an integrated development environment (IDE) extension for DEV-C++
Nov 10, 2021
Editorial review
Dec 23, 2009
Oct 28, 2009
Sep 2, 2009

What's new

v7.4.2.569 [Oct 15, 2011]
New debugger routines. Robert Wall spent months re-coding the GDB/MI debugger interface. We now have an interface that not only works again, but is fairly easy to use. Just make sure that you have gdb version >= 7.2, remove optimization flags on the gcc compiler, add debugger information in the linker, and Rebuild All.
Allowing native graphic file support. No longer are you stuck with having to convert all of your graphic files to XPM format. You can now include your GIF, PNG, BMP or whatever other native graphic formats that wxWidgets recognizes. Note well that you're responsible for making sure that your executables can find the graphic files at runtime. (We can't do everything for you.)
Bug fix for #2695519. Sizers were always referring to 'this->' as the parent rather than actually determining what the parent name was. This is only a problem in the (exotic) cases of a sizer within a panel within a wxFrame.
Possible fix for bug 2971134. Accessing null pointers?
Fixed bug 2968705. We weren't hijacking the delete key in the form designer. So when the user hit delete in the designer, it would delete the wxWidget component, but was not updating the property inspector. Note that the delete option in the designer menu was executing the proper code. I've added code to hijack the delete key and pass it as if the user clicked on delete from the designer menu.
Fix for bug report #2813179
Fix for bug 3020853 (wxNB_FIXEDWIDTH in wxNotebook)
Fix for bug report #2945060. Surround with can now be undone.
Fix for command line bug #3057427 (Arnaud Amiel)
wxWidgets spin controls now can't go negative.
Default 2.8.12 for wxWidgets spin values
wxWidgets GUI now can be set for individual compiler types (so user can have compiler type 1 be wxWidgets 2.9.2 and compiler type 2 be wxWidgets 2.8.10).
Replaces "static char *" with "static const char *" in xpm generation, removes a warning using recent gcc compilers.
Fixed crash when debugger output written during IDE close.
Changed wxTL_ALIGN_LEFT flag to simply wxALIGN_LEFT. Apparently, wxTreeListCtrl docs are incorrect.
Added update feature to list view editor.
Fixed alignment flag strings for wxtreelistctrl.pas
Fix for wxTreeListCtrl. Parameters were switched without switching %d and %s. Led to a runtime error.
Correcting wxTreeListCtrl per Noel
Fix for bitmap include header's not working for XPM files (Mal)
Fix for reverse creation order of components
Bug fix #2989190 - Added wxTE_NO_VSCROLL to memo control styles.
Bug fix for 2991978. Statusbar not clearing when file closed.
Possible fix for code completion crash reported by hackish. Added line to check if fText is valid before doing a refresh.
Added backend and validator options for wxMediaCtrl
Fixed bug 3001662 - Wrong event type for wxFilePickerCtrl OnFileChanged.
Fix for the persistent lock on executables. I think we were forgetting to free TDevExecutor which kept a lock on the compiled executable until the IDE exited. Explicitly calling Free seems to allow the executable to be deleted outside of the IDE.
Bug # 1746321 - Menu bitmaps weren't updating properly. Bug was that we were generating two XPM files per menu item that had different names. Corrected that so the menu bitmap file name for XPM file is {Filename}{Menu Item ID}_XPM.xpm.
Bug #2905552 - Splash screen shows up in Windows taskbar.
Bug# 2923932 - Screen not refreshed when paste scrolls. Added refresh command after paste code.
Bug# 2912640 - "asm" in commented block breaks syntax highlighting. I've corrected the break by modifying the regex parser. It fixes the immediate bug, but I'm not convinced that the IDE is properly formatting the assembler code. Might have to revisit this problem.
Corrected "remove all breakpoints" menu item to be disabled/enabled like its menu group. it will auto-disable option when no text in editor.
Added debug menu option to remove all active breakpoints.
Fix for 120 DPI fonts.
Add more KeepFormat/PreserveFormat properties in attempt to keep GenerateXPM from firing when user wants to maintain original graphics format.

Alternative downloads


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